Nov 06, 2019

How Future Family pays for your fertility care

Picture this: You’ve just finished an appointment at the fertility clinic, and as you are packing up to head out, your nurse says nonchalantly, “Make sure to swing by the billing desk before you leave.” A feeling of dread overcomes you. The last thing you want to deal with after being poked and prodded for the nth time is medical bills. You approach the billing desk feeling anxious and uncertain about what your bill is going to be and if you will be able to pay for it.

Now, picture this same scenario, but you are a Future Family client. No sweat – your bills are covered. You pack up your things and are on your way back to your life.

But how does this all work after you sign your Agreement? We get this question a lot – so let’s walk through the process.

  1. Your Initial Consultation with your fertility coach. Get to know your coach, discuss your calendar, and chat about everything you need to know about the journey ahead.
  2. Clinic Payments: Your fertility coach will contact your clinic to make sure all upfront payments are made on time before you get started.
  3. Medication: Once your meds have been prescribed from your doctor, we will order them from our preferred pharmacy so you can get 15% off. These will be delivered overnight to your front door.
  4. Third party costs: (i.e; testing, agency, or travel fees) covered in your plan will also be paid for directly.
  5. Didn’t use your full financing amount? Any money not spent will go towards an automatic prepayment to your plan.

It’s time to part ways with the billing desk.

Still looking to get started? Prequalify today.

Learn how Future
Family can help you

Flexible financing plans and dedicated support for all your fertility needs