Q&A with Future Family’s Nursing Care Team
In this interview with Laura Weppler and Caryl Markus, we explore Future Family's fertility coaching and care team, available to our all our members. We discuss what you can ask your fertility coaches, the best ways to communicate, and other helpful advice for your fertility journey.

What is a Fertility Coach? How does it apply to me?
Our team is made up of Registered nurses, all who have worked as fertility nurses for eight or more years. We have extensive experience in the fertility field and all have a passion for supporting individuals through their journey to building their family. All of our nurses have worked a significant portion of their careers in fertility clinics. We like to describe our coaches as nurse navigators, helping to support you on your journey. Laura Weppler has been a nurse for 12 years and has specialized in fertility nursing for the last 9 years. Caryl Markus has been a nurse for over 25 years and started in the fertility world in 2005. She has over 10 years working with clients for egg donor surrogacy, embryo donations and more. Laura “Future Family is such an amazing company because we provide support to people going through treatment and I think there are so many out there that are hesitant to try fertility treatment. It's scary and there’s not a lot of information out there so Future Family fills that gap. We are going to help you pay for treatment but also help support you through it.”
I already have a nurse at my clinic - why do I need you?
We aren't here to replace the team at your clinic. In fact, we want nothing more than for you to build a relationship with your nurse at the clinic as they will be the ones guiding you on timing and the logistics of your treatment. Our team of fertility coaches are here to be an additional layer of support. That support comes in three forms: 1) Educational support 2) Medication training/ordering support 3) Emotional support. We know how easy it can be to turn to things like google and social media for support. Unfortunately those sources can provide additional stress and wrong information.
Caryl: “think of me as your best friend who specializes in Fertility. Those questions you may think are silly, that you don't want to ask your nurse but would reach out to your best friend for.”
Fertility treatments can be complex and there is not a "one size fits all" approach. It can be dangerous to compare yourself or your treatment to others online. We want you to have a trusted source you can turn to. No question is too big or too small!
"Having a nurse on call and available to answer even the strangest of questions is amazing! It truly gives you peace of mind knowing someone is always there for you." - FF Member
How and when can I get a hold of you if I have questions?
We are available Monday through Friday during the day. However, we are all flexible to schedule calls outside business hours. We understand that fertility treatments are a 24/7 operation and that many patient questions may arise during "off" hours. We encourage our clients to reach out with questions any time and any day of the week.
How is the support different from what I am getting from my clinic?
Our team focuses heavily on the social-emotional aspect of your care with a mission to ensure your treatment is as stress free as possible. Many of our clients enjoy the fact that they can schedule dedicated time with us, to discuss a multitude of topics. We are very easily accessible! One great example of how we do this is through medication training. Most clinics provide medication training in the clinic. Many times this can occur days or weeks before you actually start the medications. When it comes time to sit down and put the training to practice, many patients describe feeling overwhelmed. Our coaches will happily get on a video call with you the evening that you start your injections and help you complete your injections in real time that first night!
How do you partner with my clinic?
We work in concert with your clinic. We don't provide you with medical advice, nor do we access to your medical charts or lab results. Should you choose to share information with us, we can look at your results and what they mean. We won't cross the medical advice bridge but are there to help make sense of what you get.
How long can I communicate with my Fertility Coach?
Our coaches will remain a resource for you through completion of your treatment at the clinic. For clients who are undergoing treatment with the goal to achieve pregnancy, this usually occurs around the 8th-12th week of pregnancy. At that point your clinic will release you to your OBGYN for continued care. Our coaches are specialized in care up until about 10 weeks of pregnancy. While you won't work directly with our coaches at that point, we still LOVE updates on our clients and their pregnancy journeys. Nothing makes us happier than seeing our clients be successful and the final outcome!
If patient's utilize FF for their second, third cycle for whatever reason based on their unique journey, is there still benefit of working with the FF Care Team?
Take the initial call - services are available to you! What do you have to lose? Check our Trustpilot reviews for what people have to say about our care team.
What are some common questions you get from your clients?
What is the importance of ovarian reserve testing? What do the results mean? Ovarian reserve testing is critical for all patients, undergoing fertility treatments, to understand. Ovarian reserve tests aim to measure the overall egg supply within the ovary. Testing consists of: Antimullerian Hormone level (AMH), Antral Follicle count (AFC) and day 3 hormone levels (FSH & E2). Your doctor will perform these tests, via bloodwork and ultrasound, and use the results to educate you regarding your treatment options. Our fertility coaches can deep dive with you, further, into what each test means and why it is important.
About our Care Team
Laura Weppler: Laura is incredibly passionate about providing support and guidance for individuals looking to start and/or grow their family. After her own struggle with infertility, she became even more empowered to educate and support couples undergoing treatment. She has trained at some of the top fertility clinics in Illinois and brings over 12 years of healthcare experience to her role as Future Family Care Manager. Her specialties include: IUI, IVF, fertility preservation and donor services.”
Caryl Markus: Caryl discovered her passion for women’s health over 25 years ago and has been working in the fertility field since 2005. She has guided thousands of individuals and couples through the various fertility treatment options available. "Every individual or couple I work with has a story, and I love to learn and get to know them not only medically but personally. I am honored to be a part of the joy that successful treatments can bring, but also a source of support and encouragement during the sad/difficult times."
Future Family is the leader in fertility financing. We want to help you start your family without the inconveniences of cost and complexity. Pre-qualification is easy and risk-free. See what you qualify for today.