Three tips on how to stay focused on your IVF experience
Hi, I’m Nicole, head of Care Management for Future Family and I work with all of the Fertility Coaches to make sure our clients received the best support possible throughout their IVF journey.
First off, let me say that choosing to move forward with IVF means you have made an empowering choice to take control of your own fertility, leaning into cutting-edge science to bring you closer to your goal of having a baby. You aren’t alone in your decision to seek fertility assistance. More than 6 million women in the U.S. are turning to IVF to grow their families. Although it is very tempting to turn to the Internet for answers and read others’ IVF experiences, it is not always helpful.
Stories about what families have gone through trying to conceive, can be enriching. But these stories can be discouraging, too, especially when you are experiencing so much uncertainty about what might happen next in your own story.
When you start to compare your experience to others and question yourself, it’s good to remember the following:
1) Your IVF journey will be as unique as you are
No two fertility experience will look the same. Reading about and talking to others who have done IVF may help you feel less alone. Just as you are unique, the reasons you came to IVF are unique, and so too will be your experience.
2) You are not alone, but this is all about you
At Future Family, we know everyone has a unique story to tell, and that each person who comes to IVF has walked a different path to get here. While it’s comforting to know others are right there with you, choosing IVF is also a deeply personal decision. Ultimately, this is all about you. Focus on your care plan, and personal fertility goals.
3) Stay focused on your personal journey by:
- Limiting the number of fertility blogs you read. Try not to overdose on IVF stories (Okay—maybe just a couple blogs...)
- Saving your questions for your Fertility Coach at Future Family.
- Finding a way to release tension, like yoga, meditation, reading, writing, or cooking, and make this a part of your daily routine.
- Surrounding yourself with people who support and lift you up.
And above all, remember, no one compares to you, your story, or the journey you are about to embark upon.