What is Secondary Infertility and What Are My Options?
If baby number one was a breeze but you’re having a harder time getting pregnant with baby number two, we have some good news - you’re not alone. Did you know that 10% of women trying to have a second baby experience secondary infertility? In fact, 50% of all IVF treatments are actually for people who already had a child.
What is secondary infertility?
According to the Mayo Clinic, “Secondary infertility is the inability to become pregnant or to carry a baby to term after previously giving birth to a baby.”
You might be experiencing secondary infertility if you are under 35 and have been trying to conceive through sex (TTC) for more than a year or if you are over 35 and have been TTC for more than six months.
What causes secondary infertility?
What’s important to remember is that secondary infertility isn’t your “fault.” It is just a thing that happens and you didn’t do anything wrong or bad to make it happen. While that doesn’t change anything, we hope it makes you feel a little better about what you are going through.
Honestly, a ton of things can contribute to secondary infertility, here are just a few:
- Impaired sperm production, function or delivery in men
- Fallopian tube damage, ovulation disorders, endometriosis and uterine conditions in women
- Complications related to prior pregnancy or surgery
- Risk factor changes for you or your partner, such as age, weight and use of certain medications
Can I afford fertility treatments?
The short answer is yes, yes you can.
The long answer is - there are some incredible financing options through Future Family that can make whatever fertility treatment you may need accessible. We offer low-interest fertility loans that make paying for your fertility treatments much easier. Not only do we help spread out the cost of your treatment to make IVF more accessible, we also consolidate all of your bills into one simple payment so you have less to keep track of during an already intense period.
In addition, when you work with Future Family you have a team of fertility specialists in your corner who have been through it countless times before and will be by your side every step of the way.
What can I do about secondary infertility?
While it may feel a little scary or unnatural if your first pregnancy happened without any assistance, there are a ton of treatment options for secondary infertility. Talking to a fertility clinic is an easy first step. They can give you a thorough assessment and help you determine the best plan of action - which may or may not include IVF.
For more information on how to choose a fertility clinic click here.
Last thing
Look after yourself. Secondary infertility can be a lot to deal with emotionally, especially if your first baby came relatively easily. Here are a few tips that might help:
Secondary infertility is more common than you might think
Secondary infertility is incredibly common and impacts one in seven women trying for their second baby. In fact, if you ask any of your friends, you might find out that they also dealt with the issue.
Trust the process
If you decide to pursue fertility treatment (congrats!), know that your team only wants the best possible outcome for you. Control the things you can control - take your meds, look after your health - and trust the process.
Build your support network
Find the people you and your partner can connect with and rely on to support you through the highs and lows of your fertility experience.
Remember, secondary infertility isn’t the end of your journey, it’s just a bend in the road, and with the right help you can have the family and future you want and deserve.